Ocean Plastic Pollution Masterclass
Learn about plastic and plastic pollution in our oceans
Analyze the challenges and the opportunities
Understand the complexity of Ocean Plastic Pollution
Be offered solutions on how to act on ocean debris mitigation
Get inspired to get involved and contribute to the reduction of Ocean Plastic pollution
Unique experience from activists with examples of how you can get involved to reduce plastic pollution
Knowledge and understanding of plastic pollution in general
Get informed about what you can do by great links, connections & listings
Make a start with behaviour change, a la YOUTHTOPIA style
Melati Wijsen
Isabel Wijsen
Circle of Youth
Introduction to YOUTHTOPIA Masterclass
Meet Melati & Isabel, Circle of Youth
The ocean & plastic pollution
All you need to know about plastics
How big is the problem?
Plastic pollution in the ocean
Other pollution in the ocean
Can we turn the tide?
Alternatives and circular economy for plastic
Who is saving the ocean from plastic pollutions
What can you do?
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