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Gary Bencheghib is an environmental activist and filmmaker. He founded Make a Change World, a media outlet that uncovers uplifting and inspirational stories on a mission to do good. He is passionate about creating social change through videos and giving a voice to the underrepresented. With his younger brother Sam, he has launched a series of expeditions from kayaking the world’s dirtiest river on plastic bottles kayaks to standing up paddling down New York’s most toxic waterways. In the past 3 years, Gary’s work has been seen by +600 million people. At the World Economic Forum earlier this year, he soft launched @sungaiwatch a river monitoring platform to tell in real time what's inside our rivers. They build localised trash barriers and have a full collection scheme to give them more data as to what actually floats down our rivers. They believe that data allows us to understand the problem at the end and enable us to create change.

Gary Bencheghib

Circle of Youth